[GRASS-user] reversing r.surf.fractal

Dario Guiducci daguiducci at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 08:40:56 PDT 2014

Has anyone attempted to measure 'real' surfaces according to the fractal
index used in r.surf.fractal? Would anyone know how to implement that?
It would be useful to compare how actual distributions compare to
theoretical ones based on a global index of surface heterogenity, and
fractals seem like a quick entry point.


*Dario Guiducci *
PhD candidate - research assistant - course lecturer
Hominid Dispersals Research
doctorant - auxiliaire de recherche - chargé de cours
l'équipe d’étude sur la dispersion des

Département d'anthropologie <http://anthropo.umontreal.ca/accueil/>
Université de Montréal <http://www.umontreal.ca/>

<https://www.facebook.com/dario.guiducci> <https://twitter.com/DarioGuiducci>

dario.guiducci at umontreal.ca
*daguiducci at gmail.com <daguiducci at gmail.com>*

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