[GRASS-user] need ideas for an interesting query of worldclim data - longitudinal band

Kirk Wythers kirk.wythers at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 06:16:42 PST 2014

I am looking for suggestions on a query of worldclim data (http://worldclim.org/).

I have used something similar to below for previous data extraction where I am looking for data associated with a particular site, or list of sites, where a single lon lat coordinate will return a single value. However, in this case, I need to pull an entire longitudinal band for a particular latitude. 

For example instead of grabbing data from a single coordinates with "east_north = -92.50, 46.51”, I want to grab all the data in the longitudinal band at latitude 46.51. 

If it were possible something like “east_north = *, 46.51” 

Any suggestions on this point would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance - Kirk


if test "$GISBASE" = ""; then
        echo "You must be in GRASS to run this program"

# Use input text file for coords in the format: lon lat (easting northing) single 
# space between coords. Example: -98.42072 55.91481. Must use real coordinates, no blanks. 
# Script will create file for each $MAP in the list. g.mlist can also take the "pattern"
# argument which takes regular expressions. For example: pattern="*" returns all 
# maps in the database. If script fails check for hidden characters in text file, best to 
# use vi or emacs to eliminate them

for MAP in `g.mlist type=rast pattern=“HIST_tmin*"`; do
    r.what --verbose input="$MAP" < ~/Desktop/ai/coords.txt > ~/Desktop/ai/"$MAP".txt;

echo "$MAP"


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