[GRASS-user] Error using v.rast.stats: "begin transaction"

Francesca Carisi francesca.carisi at unibo.it
Tue Jul 8 05:35:12 PDT 2014

I'm quite new in using Grass, so maybe this is not a very complicate error.

I'm trying to use *v.rast.stats* to calculate statistics on a vector 
poligon from a raster map, but I always receive this error:
v.rast.stats vector=samo_calc_v a samoggia raster=dem80 a samoggia 
Updating the database ...
DBMI-DBF driver error:
ERROR: Errore durante l'esecuzione: 'BEGIN TRANSACTION'
The new columns were created but they're empty and the table of 
attributes isn't corrupted.

Following the suggestion of a member of the Osgeo Team, I tried to 
download this nc dataset
and I tried to do this, just to remove all doubt:

(Tue Jul 08 10:04:05 2014)
g.copy vect=zipcodes_wake,myzipcodes_wake
Copy vector <zipcodes_wake a PERMANENT> to current mapset as <myzipcodes_wake>
(Tue Jul 08 10:04:06 2014) Comando terminato (0 sec)

(Tue Jul 08 10:04:51 2014)
g.region rast=elevation -p
projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)
zone:       0
datum:      nad83
ellipsoid:  a=6378137 es=0.006694380022900787
north:      228500
south:      215000
west:       630000
east:       645000
nsres:      10
ewres:      10
rows:       1350
cols:       1500
cells:      2025000
(Tue Jul 08 10:04:51 2014) Comando terminato (0 sec)

(Tue Jul 08 10:11:27 2014)
v.rast.stats -c myzipcodes_wake raster=elevation colprefix=elev
Updating the database ...
DBMI-DBF driver error:
ERROR: Errore durante l'esecuzione: 'BEGIN TRANSACTION'
(Tue Jul 08 10:11:36 2014) Comando terminato (9 sec)

The error remain.
I'm using Grass 6.4.4 on Windows 7, but if I make the same passages in 
an other pc (always Windows 7, Grass 6.4.4), it works without problems.

Has anybody a suggestion about why does it happen and what to do?

All suggestions all welcome! Thanks!

Best regards,

Francesca Carisi
PhD Student
Università di Bologna
Dip. DICAM - Costruzioni Idrauliche
Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY)
Tel: +39 051 20 93371
Fax: +39 051 20 93140
E-mail: francesca.carisi a unibo.it

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