[GRASS-user] d.what.vect in GRASS 7

Dave Roberts dvrbts at ecology.msu.montana.edu
Tue Jun 3 14:44:04 PDT 2014


     Would it be possible to get d.what.vect back in GRASS 7?  The 
current query tool works OK if I don't have too many maps loaded, but it 
oftern returns an extensive list of stuff I'm not interetsed in and 
buries what I'm after.

    E.g., if I execute multiple d.vect commands with the same map but 
different where="something" qualifiers it prints out the query results 
for every instance of the map instead of just once.  If I have multiple 
maps layered on each other I get a result for everything, including 
separate query results fron each color in d.rgb.

   With d.what.vect I didn't even have to have the map displayed I 
wanted to query, I just had to have a map plotted to define the coordinates.

   I don't mean to be griping, I LOVE the pan and zoom functions of the 
wx d.mons; I just miss d.what.vect.

Thanks, Dave
David W. Roberts                                     office 406-994-4548
Professor and Head                                      FAX 406-994-3190
Department of Ecology                         email droberts at montana.edu
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3460

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