[GRASS-user] r.gwflow

Luis Miguel Barranco Sanz Luis.M.Barranco at cedex.es
Tue Jun 17 04:11:05 PDT 2014

Dear colleagues,
I am using r.gwflow with this sentence:
r.gwflow   phead=Npi   status=St   hc_x=K   hc_y=K   s=S   q=q   top=Techo bottom=Muro   type=unconfined   dt=2592000  output=npf   velocity=vel   r=rec   solver=cg  maxit=100000 error=0.0000001 relax=.9  -s  --q  --o
The initial phead (Npi) is under the top (Techo), but the final phead (npf) overpasses the top of the aquifer in some cells. I guess that is the reason why some warnings appear in the screen, until a last message: WARNING: Matrix is not symmetric!.
WARNING: Matrix unsymmetric: Position [96][86] : [86][96]
         Error: -0.023767764282226562 != -0.016727489413544162
         difference = 0.007040274868682399
         Stop symmetry calculation.
WARNING: Matrix unsymmetric: Position [97][96] : [96][97]
         Error: -0.014451045405668651 != -0.016446109008789060
         difference = 0.001995063603120410
         Stop symmetry calculation.
WARNING: Matrix is not symmetric!
[Raster MASK present]
GRASS 6.4.2svn (ESPPOR):
The program provides an output with the head level. Can we trust that level although the matrix is not symmetric?
Thanks for your help

Luis Barranco
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