[GRASS-user] wingrass 7.0 - copy and paste on console

Milton Ribeiro miltinho.astronauta at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 18:39:02 PDT 2014

Dear all,

I just installed standalone grass 7.0.0 under windows.
How can I copy a series of commands on text-console of GRASS 7.0.0.beta2> ?

I tried control-V, middle-buttom from the mouse, but nothing work.

This short-cut works fine under grass 6.4 on the same machine.

best wishes

Miltinho - mcr at rc.unesp.br
Laboratório de Ecologia Espacial e Conservação - LEEC
Depto de Ecologia - UNESP - Rio Claro
Av. 24A, 1515- Bela Vista
13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brasil

Fone: +55 19 3526-9647 (office)  19 3526-9680 (lab)
Cel: 19 9853-3220 / 19 9853-5430

Depto Ecologia http://ib.rc.unesp.br/#!/departamentos/ecologia/


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