[GRASS-user] CalledModuleError:

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 18:18:21 PDT 2015

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 5:33 PM, Eric Goforth <ewgoforth at live.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does this list have an archive I could search?

Just use Google (or other search engine) with limit to a site:

site:lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-user calledmoduleerror

> I'm having problems with Grass.  Initially I downloaded and installed
QGIS x64 which comes with Grass.  I ran the version of Grass that came with
it.  It seemed to work just fine until i got a python related error
following the steps in a YouTube tutorial video.  I uninstalled QGIS and
downloaded grass 6.4.4.  It wouldn't start after I hit the start grass
session.  The splash screen would come up and the main menu would flash on
the screen and go away.  I looked in the event viewer and didn't see
> I uninstalled that and installed Grass 7.0.0.  It is working the same as
6.4.4.  It seems to me that something is left behind from a previous
installations, but i haven't found anything after I uninstalled the
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables from Add Remove programs in the
Control Panel. I've noticed that when I install it it seems to remember my
database directory from the previous install.  Im running Win7 x64.  Here
are the messages Grass 7 shows me:
> ...
> grass.exceptions.CalledModuleError: Module run None ['g.list', '--q',
'-m', 'typ
> e=raster'] ended with error
> Process ended with non-zero return code -1073741511. See errors in the
(error) o
> utput.

In order to debug this message, can you please run GRASS GIS in command
line mode only (there should be item in the "start menu")? If GRASS starts
(command line) run

g.list -m type=raster

If you are able to access command line after the unsuccessful start of the
GUI (what you did before), try to run the g.list too and see what happens.

>From my inconclusive search on the internet it seems that -1073741511 might
be related to some DLL problems. Some are described here:


I'm not sure if it is good idea to go through all the errors if it does not
seem that it is one of them. There was also some issue with another version
of sqlite3 DLL(s) somewhere in the system. Removing helps, side effects

> Eric Goforth
> Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
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