[GRASS-user] region settings and wx display

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Apr 14 04:41:30 PDT 2015

On 14/04/15 02:01, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> * Tyler Smith <tyler at plantarum.ca> [2015-04-13 16:43:05 -0400]:
>> Hi,
>> I've just spent an hour fighting with setting the region in GRASS 7.
>> Finally I discovered that the display region and computational region
>> are now independent. Is there a way to have the computational region
>> automatically set to the display region, or do we now have to explicitly
>> link them each time one or the other changes?

This has to be done explicitely, except for the fact that you can ask 
for the display to always use the computational region's resolution 
('Display resolution' in the drop-down menu of the Map Display).

And there is the 'Show comp. extent' that Nikos already mentioned.

If there's no way to link
>> them automatically, is there a way to 'set computational region extent
>> from display' from the command line?

Not that I know of. AFAIK, currently the CLI does not have access to the 
information about the display extent in the Map Display.

> Hi Tyler,
> I don't think something has been changed. Computational region (extent +
> resolution) was always a GRASS core concept. And the "display" region
> (using your "term") was always different, meaning, zoom in/out and
> pan-ing maps in a display never altered the actual region extent and
> resolution.

In the d.mon world this is exactly how things worked: zooming and 
panning changed the region. The fact that display and region became 
independent was a little revolution in GRASS history ;-)


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