[GRASS-user] band combinations using GRASS

Josep Sitjar josep at sigte.udg.edu
Thu Dec 10 05:36:34 PST 2015

Dear Paul and Manfred,
thanks for you interest. It works.

According to your indications, I've applied a greyscale equalisation to 
each band (using r.colors) previous to the band combination. And the 
result is perfect.


*Josep Sitjar Suñer*
Tècnic SIG / Servei de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció
Universitat de Girona
Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
17071 Girona
Tel +34 972 418 039 (7026 intern)
josep at sigte.udg.edu <mailto:josep at sigte.udg.edu>

Twitter http://twitter.com/SIGTE_UDG

El 10/12/15 a les 14:03, Paul Shapley ha escrit:
> Hi Josep,
> The images probably need a 'Histogram Stretch' using 'r.colors' use 
> the 'grey' (color) and tick Histogram Stretch' but make sure you set 
> 'g.region' to the full image first otherwise it wont work.
> Paul Shapley
> On 10 December 2015 at 11:03, Josep Sitjar <josep at sigte.udg.edu 
> <mailto:josep at sigte.udg.edu>> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     I'm working with r.composite to create a natural color band
>     combination using Landsat 8 image. The result is a very dark
>     image, so I would like to know if there's any way to improve it.
>     I'm using GRASS 6.X and also GRASS 7.
>     Thanks in advance,
>     -- 
>     *Josep Sitjar Suñer*
>     Tècnic SIG / Servei de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció
>     -
>     Universitat de Girona
>     *SIGTE*
>     -
>     Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
>     17071 Girona
>     Tel +34 972 418 039 <tel:%2B34%20972%20418%20039> (7026 intern)
>     josep at sigte.udg.edu <mailto:josep at sigte.udg.edu>
>     http://www.sigte.udg.edu
>     Twitter http://twitter.com/SIGTE_UDG
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>     grass-user mailing list
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> -- 
> *Paul J. Shapley *MSc CGeog (GIS) FRGS
> *
> *

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