[GRASS-user] r.reclass problem

Ivan Marchesini ivan.marchesini at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 03:51:39 PDT 2015

Hi Eugenio..
use r.recode instead..


On Wed, 2015-06-03 at 12:27 +0200, Eugenio Trumpy wrote:
> hello everybody, 
> I have a problem with r.reclass.
> I would like to use such command by using a text file to reclassify a
> raster grid. 
> The text file is:
> -5 thru -3.5 = 1
> -3.499999 thru -2.5 = 2
> -2.499999 thru -1.0 = 3
> -0.999999 thru 0 = 4
> 0.000001 thru 10 = 5
> However I got problem, because pixel should be in class 3 follow in
> class 4, I don't understand why? am I wronging the text file??
> Can somebody help me?
> best
> Eugenio 
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