[GRASS-user] Derivation of Landsat 8 Tasseled Cap coefficients for certain scene in Grass

Kozlova Maria kclo at yandex.ru
Thu Jun 11 01:43:17 PDT 2015

Well...While I'm trying to type the algorithm step by step you may look through the following papers which can hopefully clarify the subject
And thank you again for your support!


And thank you again for your support!
Best regards,

Maria V. Kozlova

  Information System Lab. (ISysLab)
  State Oceanographic Institute,
  Kropotkinsky per., 6,
  MOSCOW, 119034,
  tel.    +7 499 246 6448
  fax.    +7 499 246 7288
  mailto:  kclo at yandex.ru 

10.06.2015, 21:58, "Kozlova Maria" <kclo at yandex.ru>:
> Well...
> While I'm trying to type the algorithm step by step you may look through the following papers which can hopefully clarify the subject
> And thank you again for your support!
> --
> Best regards,
> Maria V. Kozlova
>   /------------------------------------\
>   Information System Lab. (ISysLab)
>   State Oceanographic Institute,
>   Kropotkinsky per., 6,
>   MOSCOW, 119034,
>   ------------------------------------
>   tel.    +7 499 246 6448
>   fax.    +7 499 246 7288
>   mailto:  kclo at yandex.ru
>   \------------------------------------/
> 10.06.2015, 14:58, "Moritz Lennert" <mlennert at club.worldonline.be>:
>>  On 10/06/15 13:18, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
>>>   * Kozlova Maria <kclo at yandex.ru> [2015-06-10 11:48:44 +0300]:
>>>>   Dear colleagues,
>>>>   Thank you for response.
>>>>   a little bit later I will type the full procedure for derivation of TC coefficients.
>>>>   PCA itself cannot be applied here as it is based only on statistical information of the image. TCT is physically based transformation and PCA is only the first step.
>>>>   The main problem I see here is the 'soil line' which must be determined (manually or automatically) and PCA axes rotation to align 1st PCA component in accordance to the soil line.
>>>>   Though I have to describe it in more details later...
>>>   This introduction <http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/tassel.htm> looks
>>>   good for me :-)
>>  I don't have access to the paper used for the OLI version, but from the
>>  abstract the authors do "just" use PCA + rotation to get a result that
>>  is as close as possible to a direct tasselled cap transformation using
>>  the original 1970s coefficients.
>>  And when you run PCA on MSS images you often get quite close results to
>>  what Kauth and Thomas arrived at through their clustering approach.
>>  Moritz

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