[GRASS-user] Reprojection of raster maps in various platforms: projected coordinates are different

Hermann Peifer peifer at gmx.eu
Sat Oct 10 18:21:56 PDT 2015

On 2015-10-10 22:56, Markus Neteler wrote:
> ... is this the upper box?
> In EU LAEA (EPSG 3035), my SIN point becomes
> -674447.24192338|9862187.84799817

As a small side-remark, related to the use of EPSG:3035 rather than to 
the OP's question:

EPSG:3035 is related datum ETRS89, which in return is in some fuzzy way 
connected to "the stable part of the Euroasian plate" (Whenever in 
doubt, one could look up some INSPIRE documents, of which there is no 

With you above coordinates, you are pretty far away from the Euroasian 
plate and the stable part thereof, so one might want to reconsider  the 
choice of CRS.


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