[GRASS-user] rgrass7 syntax for passing a command

Blumentrath, Stefan Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no
Thu Apr 28 23:33:15 PDT 2016

Hi Jim,

Although this does not solve you pipe issue (you might need to use pipe or fifo (run: help(pipe) in R for more info) :
If you just want to create a map with one point you could also use “v.edit» in non interactive mode (I guess), meaning, create a map and add a point.
Or you write your coordinates to a temporary file, which you can read in v.in.ascii


From: grass-user [mailto:grass-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Veronica Andreo
Sent: 28. april 2016 19:38
To: James Maas (MED) <j.maas at uea.ac.uk>
Cc: grass-user <grass-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] rgrass7 syntax for passing a command

Hello Jim,

Maybe you should write to grass-stats mailing list, too. Perhaps someone there can provide useful insights/suggestions for your case


2016-04-28 12:53 GMT-03:00 Jim Maas <j.maas at uea.ac.uk<mailto:j.maas at uea.ac.uk>>:
Using GRASS 7.0.3 on Ubuntu Linux,

I'm attempting to recreate the example of r.stream.distance shown at

by passing these comands to GRASS from within an R session.  I can't figure out the correct syntax to pass this command to the system and also GRASS, any suggestions ?

The original code for GRASS command line in the example is

# Create outlet
echo "636645,218835" | v.in.ascii -n input=- output=outlet separator=","

I've tried lots of combinations of both system() and execGRASS() including this

system(message ("327500.00,523896.55") | "v.in.ascii", input="-", output="outlet", separator=",", flags=c("n", "overwrite"))

but have been unsuccessful.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, J

Dr. Jim Maas
Norwich Medical School

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