[GRASS-user] v.import and v.proj errors
Moritz Lennert
mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Aug 2 09:36:38 PDT 2016
On 02/08/16 17:24, Veronica Andreo wrote:
> Hi Helli,
> 2016-08-02 11:37 GMT-03:00 Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de
> <mailto:hellik at web.de>>:
> >as they are in mercator projection (epsg:3857) and I'm working in
> eu_laea
> I assume eu_laea is epsg: 3035 (http://epsg.io/3035)?
> if yes, epsg3035 is dedicated to the area of Europe.
> is the generalized coastlines data for the whole world?
> yes and yes
> maybe world wide data in epsg:3857 (http://epsg.io/3857) can't be
> reprojected into a epsg:3035 location without too much distortion?
> mhm... I see... and it makes sense...
> my workflow in such cases where only a subregion of worldwide data
> is needed
> : I use the clip mechanism of ogr2ogr [1] in order to clip out my
> region and
> reproject only this clipped area.
> it does, indeed :) (I wonder what is qgis using then to make the global
> data re-projection...)
> I also tried with clipping to my region inside v.import (which is maybe
> equivalent to your trick with ogr2ogr?), but got the same error every
> time... boh... would be anyway useful to clarify what this "datum_trans"
> option means.
I can confirm the issue when using v.in.ogr + v.proj, when using the
file to define the location:
grass73 -c
v.in.ogr /data/GEODATA/OSM/coastlines-generalized-3857/coastlines_z8.shp
and then in the EPSG 3035 location:
v.proj location=test_3857 mapset=PERMANENT input=coastlines_z8
Reprojecting primitives ...
ATTENTION: pj_transform() a échoué: failed to load datum shift file
ERREUR :Unable to re-project vector map <coastlines_z8 at PERMANENT> from
However, when I create the 3857 location using the EPSG code, it works:
grass73 -c epsg:3857 /data/GRASS/DATA7/test_3857_epsg/
v.proj location=test_3857_epsg mapset=PERMANENT input=coastlines_z8
There is a difference in the projection definition between the two:
diff -u test_3857/PERMANENT/PROJ_INFO test_3857_epsg/PERMANENT/PROJ_INFO
--- test_3857/PERMANENT/PROJ_INFO 2016-08-02 18:24:25.965809631 +0200
+++ test_3857_epsg/PERMANENT/PROJ_INFO 2016-08-02 18:28:18.427085934 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,5 @@
x_0: 0.0
y_0: 0
k: 1.0
-nadgrids: @null
wktext: defined
no_defs: defined
-over: defined
Erasing the 'nadgrids: @null' from the first allows to reproject.
The .prj file of the original shapefile contains:
EXTENSION["PROJ4","+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
+lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext
+no_defs +over"]
I guess the issue comes from how this is handled...
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