[GRASS-user] v.out.ogr bug? Segmentation fault (core dumped)

patrick s. patrick_gis at gmx.net
Mon Feb 8 05:08:40 PST 2016

Dear developers

Maybe a Bug? I solved it for my purpose, but would like to mention it 
I have to export a vectorized raster that has islands. When trying to 
export to shapefile, I get the following error:

v.out.ogr in=mymap out=mymap.shp type=area -c --overwrite
=>WARNING: The map contains islands. With the -c flag, islands will 
appear as filled areas, not holes in the output map.
Exporting 14169 areas (may take some time)...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

However, I can export without the "-c" flag (which is enough for me).
The table of the vectordata is located on PostgreSQL and can be queried 
in gui.


GRASS version: 7.0.1
GRASS SVN Revision: 00000
Build Date: 2015-09-27
Build Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
GDAL/OGR: 1.11.2
PROJ.4: 4.9.1
GEOS: 3.5.0
Python: 2.7.10
Platform: Linux-4.2.0-27-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-15.10-wily

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