[GRASS-user] 3d boreholes with v.extrude on different plane

Alec Ventura alecventura at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 28 16:05:56 PST 2016

'as 3d' is selected. I have 83 boreholes and all of then have their base on the same plane, and it shouldn't be.Tnks,Alec

From: kratochanna at gmail.com
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 18:02:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] 3d boreholes with v.extrude on different plane
To: alecventura at hotmail.com
CC: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org

there is a switch in the 3D view vector gui to switch between displaying as 3D and on a surface. You might check if that could be the problem.

On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Alec Ventura <alecventura at hotmail.com> wrote:

Hello folks, I am trying, again, to draw some 3d boreholes, I was able to draw then but when I was analizing my results I notice that all my boreholes was all with the same z value, which is strange since I have different zshit and height values for each of my boreholes. So I guess i missundestood the zshit value. I need 3d boreholes that are draw from different levels (different Z coordinates) and of course with different sizes (heigths). Is there a way to do this? what I am missing here? I was back to Gene implementation: 
But then I realize that they boreholes are at same plane too, just don't appear to because of perspective.I appreciate any help.[]sAlec Ventura. 		 	   		  


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