[GRASS-user] r.out.gdal in GRASS 7.0 beta (windows OS) fails to export merged coloured-shade tiff
Rengifo Ortega
rengifoo at yahoo.de
Wed Jan 13 01:47:43 PST 2016
Dear GRASSuser community,
I amworking with a little project which consists of creating colored-shaded reliefof some areas in Norway for cartographic purposes. Using the gdaldem utility Imanaged, very straight forward, to create a RGB file from a single Band DEM.Next stepwas to create a shade and merge it with a colours relief. For this purpose, Iused r.shade and r.relief in GRASS GIS 7 beta, respectively (windows OS).Since thecartographic processing will be further done in ArcGIS, I have to deliver ageotiff format suitable for ESRI software. To do so, I used the syntaxexplained in the help file as seen below:
r.out.gdalin=elevation output=elevation.tif createopt="PROFILE=GeoTIFF,TFW=YES”
OR r.out.gdalin=nc_landsat_rgb output=nc_landsat_rgb.tif type=Byte\ createopt="PROFILE=GeoTIFF,INTERLEAVE=PIXEL,TFW=YES"
Any of themdelivered the expected results. Instead I had to use r.out.tiff only availablein GRASS 6.4. Every time I try to install this extension in GRASS 7.0 it said “installationsuccessful” but, it does not get installed nor is available from cmd grassshellSo far Iknow the problem is caused by the merged colour-shade relief, but why does itworks in with r.out.tiff and Not with r.out.gdal? Could it be a driver issue?
Is someone havingthe same problems? Thanks for any help in advance.
Best RegardsRengifo OrtegaSeksjon for geoinformasjon, H-avdelingenNorges vassdrags- ogenergidirektoratet (NVE)Telefon: +47 229 59 409
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