[GRASS-user] file formats from Ordinance Survey maps
James Maas (MED)
J.Maas at uea.ac.uk
Mon Jan 18 23:15:06 PST 2016
I'm attempting to get some maps and use them in GRASS, which gives me a choice of formats to download from. Can anyone tell me if any one of these formats is better and will allow direct import into GRASS 7.0.2. without transformation.
For one type of topography map I can get either GML2, DWG or File Geodatabase.
For another type of Terrain type map I can get either Shape, GML3 or DWG.
I have googled and looked at the choices provided by
Dr. Jim Maas
Mathematical Modelling in
Epidemiology of Infectious Disease
Rm 2.13 MED
Norwich Medical School
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park,
NR4 7TJ U.K.
E: j.maas at uea.ac.uk<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=j.maas@uea.ac.uk>
P: +44 (0)1603 91325
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