[GRASS-user] Importing data w/o coordinates

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Mon Jul 18 06:38:35 PDT 2016

* Ken Mankoff:

>I have a CSV data set without coordinates, but a FIPS code, that I need
>to join with another dataset (already in GRASS, with FIPS).

>In grass I have,

>> db.select table=county | head -n5 | column -s"|" -t
>cat  NHGISNAM  STATENAM        FIPS   foo bar baz x y z
>1    Smith     Kansas          20183
>2    Holmes    Ohio            39075
>3    Pamlico   North Carolina  37137
>4    Gratiot   Michigan        26057

>And elsewhere I have CSV with, for example,

>FIPS,  unit,value
>20183, foo, 1
>20183, bar, 2
>20183, z,   99
>39075, foo, 1
>37137, bar, 2
>37137, baz, 3
>37137, x,   4
>37137, y,   5

>Can someone advise how I'd join these tables? I can't even figure out
>how to import the CSV because it doesn't have coordinates. I usually
>work with rasters, and am unclear how to best work with this vector
>data set.

The examples at https://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/v.db.join.html
should be really useful.


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