[GRASS-user] snapping points to lines issue

Bartolomei.Chris Bartolomei.Chris at ensco.com
Mon Mar 14 11:13:39 PDT 2016

Has anyone had issues using the v.clean, v.distance, v.patch, v.clean trick to snap points to a nearby set of lines?
I am running GRASS version 6.4.4 on a Windows 7 PC.
I have USGS stream gauge locations I am trying to snap to a stream and then create a network ...
there are 15 gauges located from 1.9 to 260 meters from my stream vector and using the above process only 11 of the 15 "snap" to the stream...
I have attached the mapset containing all of the data and maps, a text copy of the commands I use in my shell script, and a readme with set-up instructions if you want to use my mapset...
I also included a few images of what is happening for a quick visual.
The grey circles are the gauge locations and the red triangles are the "snapped" points on the stream vector.
The problem does not seem to be related to distance (failed points are from 2 to 260m away, successful ones are in a similar range)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you

Chris Bartolomei P.E.

bartolomei.chris at ensco.com

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