[GRASS-user] r.water.outlet: no map displayed

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Oct 3 08:57:29 PDT 2016

On Mon, 3 Oct 2016, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

> please test the sample from the manual with the NC sample data set [1],
> then follow the example workflow with your data and report the results and
> the used commands (g.region, r.watershed, r.water.outlet).


   Yes, that works here, too. Of course, my data also worked until yesterday
afternoon and why it now fails is what I need to discover.

   In the NC data set from mapset user1 I selected 'elevation' as input to
r.watershed and 'drainage' as output. For r.water.outlet the input was
'drainage,' the output 'watershed,' and the coordinates a point I selected
that looked like a basin outlet. When I displayed 'watershed' a small yellow
area appeared.

   This is how it used to work here, too.

   Here's the region and commands used on my data:

>From project location:

> g.region -p
projection: 99 (NAD83(HARN) / Oregon North)
zone:       0
datum:      nad83harn
ellipsoid:  grs80
north:      175430.80940854
south:      174426.61003591
west:       2295620.05945154
east:       2296197.40538338
nsres:      1.00019858
ewres:      1.00059954
rows:       1004
cols:       577
cells:      579308

> g.list type=rast

> r.watershed elev=bare_earth drain=drainage --overwrite

> r.water.outlet in=drainage out=watershed coord=2295821.27858,175258.094514 -- overwrite

   But, now when I use the GUI icon to display 'watershed' nothing appears.

   Using d.mon start=wx0; d.rast map=watershed also displayed nothing.

   Something changed. How do I trace the reason to the source?



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