[GRASS-user] Layer management window questions

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Oct 7 07:41:27 PDT 2016

   Two questions about working in the layer management window using 7.3.svn:

   1.)  When re-arranging the z-order of map layers why must only a lower
level map be moved up and not also an upper level map moved down?

   2.)  When a workspace is saved with a specific set of maps and one map in
the set is changed, how can I save this new set with a different name? I
tried to use the down-arrow icon to save the altered map set and the dialog
box asked if I wanted to overwrite the existing workspace. When I clicked
the 'no' button I was not offered the opportunity to enter a new workspace
name because the dialog box closed.



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