[GRASS-user] vector digitizer

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Oct 13 07:54:59 PDT 2016

On 13/10/16 16:42, Vincent Bain wrote:
> Hi,
> trying to use the  wxGUI digitizer with GRASS 7.3 I am quite puzzled
> with a default behavior I would like to change :
> Usually when I have to digitize large polygon maps, I try to do a bulk
> definition of attribute, i.e. after drawing the whole boundaries, I
> digitize a hundred of centroids corresponding to a particular attribute
> value (e.g. id=1), then another hundred of centroids corresponding to
> polygons with another value (id=2), and so on. I do that with the help
> of v.category and v.to.db, then just have to type one sql update for the
> bunch of freshly added centroids...
> Well, this can still be achieved by selecting the "digitize new
> centroid" entry. Categories in this case are automatically added to new
> features. The thing is prior to this, I would like to be able to
> digitize boundaries /without/ adding categories to them, which I cannot
> with the entry "digitize new boundary".

Why not ?

> The first entry "digitize new
> area (boundary without category)" is neither good to me as it adds
> centroids+cats where and when I don't want yet.
> Don't know if I'm clear ;-[
> In a word I would like to be able to choose between automatically adding
> or not adding categories to objects I digitize. Perhaps it is possible,
> but I didn't see how. Perhaps a checkbox "add new category" similar to
> "add new record into table" could do the job ?

This exists: go into Settings->Attributs->Category mode and chose "No 

This is also where you can then manually set one specific category value 
for the centroids you add afterwards.


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