[GRASS-user] r.sim.water error map-- how to interpret it.
Rengifo Ortega
rengifoo at yahoo.de
Fri Aug 11 02:09:46 PDT 2017
Dear Grass community,I amusing r.sim.water (SIMWE) to model depth and discharge of an specific rain event in a small urban watershed in the city of Oslo, Norway. So fareverything went ok. But, I am wondering about the output called Err. Inthe grass gis manuals https://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/r.sim.water.html describe […]the err raster map (the resulting water depth is anaverage, and err is its RMSE) […]. Q1: areerror map and depth map supposed to have the same scale? ---- in this casefrom 0.0 – 1.87 meters Q2: Ifyes, how I am supposed to interpret RMSE . If I query thecell I obtain the same value in both datasets.? So far I understand RSME (root-mean-square error (RMSE)) is a frequentlyused measure of the differences between values (sample and population values)predicted by a model or an estimator and the values actually observed. I wouldappreciate any help.
Rengifo Ortega
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