[GRASS-user] r.flow-> wrong result
Eva Schindele
eva.schindele at ufz.de
Thu Dec 21 06:13:37 PST 2017
Hello Grassdevelopers,
I try to run the r.flow module to get the flow path length of my Layer out.
The input Layer is a DEM with pixelsize 0.0083 and the selected CRS (EPSG:32646, WGS 84/ UTM zone 46).
First of all I generated a depressionless elevation with saga:fill sinks.
If I start the function, it runs and I get the three Outputlayer, but they are wrong. --> pictures see below
My Data: Win 10, Qgis 2.16.1 with Grass 7 Plugin.
I have the same problem if run r.flow in Grass.
Which additional steps I have to do ?
Thanks in advance and best wishes,
Picture 1: accumulation generated with r.flow Picture 2: accumulation generated trough r.watershed
Picture 3: generated flow path length trough r.flow
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