[GRASS-user] Temporal data issues need resolving

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Feb 23 09:03:22 PST 2017

   Yesterday I created and registered a STRDS. Today grass cannot find it. I
tried re-creating and re-registering the dataset but the latter step fails.

   All mapsets are available regardless of the current mapset:

g.mapsets -p
Accessible mapsets:
precipitation PERMANENT analyses features soils topography

   In the precipitation mapset the files are present:

g.list type=raster pattern=rainfall_* separator=comma

t.create runs with no errors:

t.create output=rainfall type=strds temporaltype=absolute title='Rainfall'
description='Daily rainfall in mm/hr.' --overwrite
WARNING: Overwriting space time raster dataset <rainfall> and unregistering
          all maps

But, t.register fails not finding the first rainfall map:

t.register -i input=rainfall maps=`g.list type=raster pattern="rainfall_*"
separator=comma start="2013-11-15" increment="1 days"
Gathering map information...
ERROR: Unable to update raster map <rainfall_20131115 at precipitation>. The
map does not exist.

   Nothing in grass73 changed from yesterday afternoon to this morning.

   I need to resolve this problem so I can run a model. Your help is needed
to understand what happed and how to fix it.



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