[GRASS-user] Question to the input seed grid of i.segment

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Jan 26 04:16:54 PST 2017

On 25/01/17 11:22, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> On 24/01/17 20:40, Raphael Knevels wrote:
>> " You could try using the brand new i.superpixels.slic add-on to create superpixels which you can then use as seeds."
>> -> I could successfully install and open it ("g.extension i.superpixels.slic", GRASS 7.2.0).
>> However, when I run the tool with default settings, GRASS gives a problem message and finishs the process.
> Ok, this sounds like bug #3247 [1] for which the author hasn't applied
> the fix, yet. Rashad, will you have the opportunity to apply just the
> fix for the actual bug (not necessarily the other proposals in the
> patch), soon, or should I do it ?

FYI: I've taken the liberty to commit the proposed fix for this bug. It 
is available for self-compilation, but the windows binaries installed 
with g.extension will only be available tomorrow morning.


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