[GRASS-user] STRDS animation: failed to render

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Mar 22 14:31:05 PDT 2017

On Wed, 22 Mar 2017, Anna Petrášová wrote:

> ... and look if there are any messages in terminal. Can you reproduce that
> behavior?


   Yes, and yes. I missed seeing the details when the terminal was obscurred
by the three GUI windows.

   It's a name issue: the strds is named blocked_h (as are the individual
raster maps) but the renderer is looking for open_h instead. For example,

GRASS_INFO_WARNING(14315,1): Rendering failed:
GRASS_INFO_ERROR(14306,1): Raster map <open_h_0012 at analyses> not found

   I used a bash script with sed to rename all raster maps from open_h_* to
blocked_h_*, then used 't.rename in=open_h out=blocked_h'. The error message
suggests that somewhere a name was not changed.

   t.info does not indicate any name differences and t.list shows only
blocked_h and blocked_wse so why the animator is looking for open_h puzzles



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