[GRASS-user] r.to.vect stats

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon May 1 03:54:16 PDT 2017

On 01/05/17 12:43, Martin Landa wrote:
> Hi,
> I need a tool which converts vector features (points) to raster map
> using statistical method like min,max,mean (something like
> `r.in.lidar` does - if more points are found within one cell, raster
> value is computed by given method).
> I started with module `r.to.vect`, but it takes only one attribute
> value if more features found, `v.kernel` does not support attributes.
> There is probably such tool, I must overlook something...

I generally use v.to.db op=coor && v.db.select | r.in.xyz for such a 
task. I don't know if a dedicated module would be much faster than a 
script that wraps around these modules. I guess avoiding the v.to.db 
part could gain you some time when dealing with lots of points.


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