[GRASS-user] more plotting errors

Anna Petrášová kratochanna at gmail.com
Wed May 3 09:32:31 PDT 2017

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Tyler Smith <tyler at plantarum.ca> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Having solved my GUI/Python issues from yesterday, I'm now getting
> different errors when querying vector maps in the wx0 display:
> Steps to reproduce:
> GRASS 7.2.0 installed from Debian repository, using
> GRASS_PYTHON=python2.7 (which is also installed from Debian)
> grass -text
> d.mon start=wx0
> d.vect map=myVectorMap
> <select the "Query vector maps" icon>
> <click on a line vector>
> <fail!>
> GRASS 7.2.0 (blandings):~ > Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/gui/wxpython/mapwin/buffered.py", line 1372, in
>   MouseActions
>     self.OnLeftUp(event)
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/gui/wxpython/mapwin/buffered.py", line 1553, in
>   OnLeftUp
>     y=self.mouse['end'][1])
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/signal.py", line
>   229, in emit
>     dispatcher.send(signal=self, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/dispatcher.py",
>   line 349, in send
>     **named
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/robustapply.py",
>   line 60, in robustApply
>     return receiver(*arguments, **named)
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py", line 915, in
>   Query
>     self.QueryMap(east, north, qdist, rast, vect)
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py", line 971, in
>   QueryMap
>     self._queryHighlight(vectQuery)
>   File "/usr/lib/grass72/gui/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py", line 1008, in
>   _queryHighlight
>     tmp.append(i['Category'])
> KeyError: 'Category'

I would guess it's something specific in your data. Could you post
v.what output (json output) for that feature?


> I would appreciate any suggestions on how to debug/fix this!
> Thanks,
> Tyler
> --
> plantarum.ca
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