[GRASS-user] Recovering from a build error [RESOLVED]

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Sep 22 07:14:52 PDT 2017

On Fri, 22 Sep 2017, Markus Neteler wrote:

> If yes, it is an error in the wxPython package on your system and
> needs to be reported to your distro.


   Consider me suitably chastised for missing this. Let me explain: a couple
of weeks ago I upgraded this desktop from Slackware-14.1 to -14.2. This, of
course, upgraded many libraries in the base distribution, but not those in
packages from the SlackBuilds.org repository.

   As I used various applications I encountered load errors, all of the form
'libsomething.so.xx not found.' When I checked the system for
libsomething.so I found version yy so I rebuilt and upgraded the library.
That allowed the application to load and run again.

   With grass, it was not obvious to me in the extensive error message for
d.rast.edit that wxPython- was the version built on -14.1 and it
needed to be rebuilt with -14.2. D'oh!

   Just rebuilt and re-installed wxPython- and the latest
grass-7.3.svn successfully built.

   Lesson learned.

Thanks very much,


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