[GRASS-user] v.colors: proper command syntax

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Nov 2 14:09:29 PDT 2018

   The stations (vector, point) table has 10 columns:
  site_nbr   | character varying(8)
  site_name  | character varying(64)
  lon        | numeric(12,6)
  lat        | numeric(10,6)
  easting    | numeric
  northing   | numeric
  start_date | date
  end_date   | date
  howmany    | integer
  bin_col    | character(8)

   I don't know which column to specify in the command,
v.colors map=stations use=attr column=bin_col
does not work.

column is the name of column containing numeric data and color is the name of color
table. But I don't want or need a color table because the column 'bin_col'
has colors for specified ranges of the howmany column in hex rgb format
(e.g., #73E700). If the command will display the map with points colored
according to bin_col please show me the proper syntax.

   If v.colors is not the appropriate module for me to display this map with
points colored using the bin_col value, please point me to the proper



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