[GRASS-user] Generating categorical int values from a string attribute for use with v.to.rast
Helmut Kudrnovsky
hellik at web.de
Thu Nov 15 08:36:23 PST 2018
Damian Maddalena wrote
> I am trying to convert vector SSURGO soils data to a raster using
> v.to.rast. The attribute I want to use for the conversion is a
> categorical string describing soil type, so I need to generate int
> categories before converting. I explored v.category for doing this, but
> I'm not sure it's what I'm looking for. I want to assign all polygons
> with the same soil description the same number. For example, output from
> `v.db.select map=soils | head` is below. I want to create a new
> attribute based on "sm_soil_se" called "sm_soil_se_int" that is a
> categorical int value for each string category. I don't care what the
> numbers are, so long as each of the polygons with the same string value
> have the same categorical int value. (I will assign the string values to
> each int category using the "label_column" parameter.)
> Is there an existing GRASS command that will do this? If not, should I
> be using Python?
> Thank you!!
> -Damian
> cat|sm_mapunit|sm_mapun_1|sm_soil_se|sm_csr|rating
> 1|160|456713|"Xerorthents-Millsholm complex, 50 to 75 percent slopes"||10
> 2|TaE|455865|"Tierra loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, MLRA 14"||40
> 3|CoF|455785|"Cut and fill land-Millsholm complex, 30 to 50 percent
> slopes"||20
> 4|MeG|455829|"Millsholm loam, 20 to 60 percent slopes, moist, MLRA 15"||10
> 5|LeF|455816|"Los Gatos loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes"||20
> 6|GcF|455802|"Los Gatos loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes"||20
> --
> “Science knows it doesn't know everything; otherwise, it'd stop." ~Dara
> O'Briain
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