[GRASS-user] d.rast in python script

Frank David frank.david at geophom.fr
Tue Oct 23 13:06:01 PDT 2018

Thank you everybody for your help. Do you know why a 
run_command("d.rast"... in a python script is not enough to display a 
raster ? I don't understand why this command is so different.


Le 23/10/2018 à 07:41, Nikos Alexandris a écrit :
> * Stefan Blumentrath <Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no> [2018-10-22 08:20:05 
> +0000]:
>> I think Laurents solution is for rendering maps to file/image.
> If of interest, see also: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-user/2018-October/079436.html
> Nikos

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