[GRASS-user] 7.7git: lost raster layer in monitor when saving map image

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Jul 23 09:38:07 PDT 2019

Running 7.7git here and had a new and strange experience building a map in
the GUI monitor.

I displayed a raster DEM, then overlaid that with three vector maps: roads,
streams, the analytical area boundary, and the project area.

Using the 'Add button' on the window I added a north arrow, scale bar, and
raster legend, along with 4 instances of text.

Clicking on the 'save image' button I provided a name for the .png image and
clicked the 'OK' button. The raster elevation map disappeared while it
remained on the layer management window's list. The saved .png had the white
background, no raster DEM.

I was not able to re-load the raster map even after removing it from the
layer manager and re-adding it. So I decided to report the incident as I'm
using the git repo source and not the stable release.


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