[GRASS-user] question on i.landsat.toa function

Gabriel Cotlier gabiklm01 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 15:48:40 PDT 2019

Hello Vero,

Sorry for asking again:

My routine now is changed to the following, but does not recognize the
metadata file this time, (in both command lines the "external" black screen
and the white inside GRASS) I did not use the \ in the middle because did
not accepted in both interfaces :
SET BASE=LC08_L1TP_227083_20180315_20180320_01_T1
i.landsat.toar -r input=${BASE}_B output=${BASE}_toar
metfile=${BASE}_MTL.txt sensor=oli8 date=2018-03-15
sun_elevation=45.06637424 product_date=2018-03-20
will be from radiance to at_surface_reflectance with the *i.atcorr *using
as input results of *i.landsat.toar*

the error is:
[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]
Thanks a lot again,

BTW: do I really need this step from DN to Radiance right? if I'm using L1
product (going over the radinace before reflectance) to pass to reflectance
thereafter and only after that from this result of surface reflectance
(DOS1 for example) then calculate a spectral index...

i.landsat.toar input=${BASE}_B output=${BASE}_toar \
metfile=${BASE}_MTL.txt sensor=oli8 method=dos1

On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 7:00 PM Veronica Andreo <veroandreo at gmail.com>

> Dear Gabriel,
> As I mentioned in a previous email, the module expects a basename, so it
> won't recognize the @mapsetname, be it permanent or any other. Therefore if
> your Landsat bands names are for example, landsat_date_B1, landsat_date_B2,
> landsat_date_B3 and so on, in the input parameter you only have to put
> "landsat_date_B" and the module will read all the bands available in the
> mapset with that basename.
> As output, you need to set a basename again.
> Please, take a look at the examples in the manual page (
> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass76/manuals/i.landsat.toar.html). If there's
> anything that doesn't seem clear there, let us know so we can enhance it.
> Best,
> Vero
> El dom., 16 jun. 2019 a las 22:30, Gabriel Cotlier (<gabiklm01 at gmail.com>)
> escribió:
>> Hello,
>> I tried it to get radiance from command line too but had an error as well
>> with metadata recognition:
>> [image: image.png]
>> Thanks a lot
>> On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 5:19 PM Gabriel Cotlier <gabiklm01 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Vero,
>>> I could finally load the landsat 8 L1C data, is just two bands 4 and 5
>>> for NDVI calculation, didn't created a mapset just used PERMANT, but my
>>> workflow is
>>> Step 1 - DN>Radiance with
>>> *i.landsat.toar *
>>> Step* 2- Raniance> Surface_Reflectance  with i.atcorr *using different
>>> methods DOS2 and DOS4 to compare
>>> *For step 1: to get radinace from DN*
>>> A) set working directory where the data is:
>>> cd
>>> "C:\Users\Gabriel\Documents\grassdata\LC08_L1TP_227083_20180315_20180320_01_T1"
>>> B) calculate Radiance for each band separately :
>>> i.landsat.toar -r
>>> input=LC08_L1TP_227083_20180315_20180320_01_T1_B4 at PERMANENT
>>> output=LC08_L1TP_227083_20180315_20180320_01_T1_B4_toar
>>> metfile=C:\Users\Gabriel\Documents\grassdata\LC08_L1TP_227083_20180315_20180320_01_T1\LC08_L1TP_227083_20180315_20180320_01_T1_MTL.txt
>>> sensor=oli8 date=2018-03-15 sun_elevation=45.06637424
>>> product_date=2018-03-20
>>> however go the error was:
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> appears not to be reading the data from PERMANENT?
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Gabriel
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