[GRASS-user] GeoPackage and multiple tables

Saber Razmjooei saber.razmjooei at lutraconsulting.co.uk
Sun Mar 17 10:31:29 PDT 2019

You might need to run VACUUM from gdal tools:

ogrinfo -sql "VACUUM" pal.gpkg


On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 17:16, Ken Mankoff <mankoff at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2019-03-17 at 10:03 -0700, Ken Mankoff <mankoff at gmail.com> wrote...
> > After learning from Markus & Moritz I see that the GPKG files are as
> > they should be - vector features are not in triplicate. I think there
> > are some strange QGIS import issues where it imports everything 3x but
> > this is not a GRASS issue.
> Actually, I am still confused about something with the file sizes. The
> data/metadata all appear correct. But if I export a three-layer vector w/
> three tables 1x, the GPGK file is 12 MB and contains 1 table. It is missing
> two tables. If I then export each of the databases associated with each of
> the layers, they are 0.2 MB. If export the vector 3x, once per layer, with
> update, as advised earlier in this thread, the resulting GPKG is ~34 MB, or
> ~3x as large as I would expect it to be.
> v.out.ogr -c input=pal output=pal_all.gpkg --o # 12 MB, but only layer1
> table
> db.out.ogr input=pal output=l1.csv layer=1 # 7.5k
> db.out.ogr input=pal output=l2.csv layer=2 # 124K
> db.out.ogr input=pal output=l3.csv layer=3 # 85k
> v.out.ogr -c input=pal output_layer=tbl2_points output=pal.gpkg layer=1 --o
> v.out.ogr -c input=pal output_layer=tbl2_areas output=pal.gpkg layer=2 -u
> --o
> v.out.ogr -c input=pal output_layer=tbl2_lines output=pal.gpkg layer=3 -u
> --o
> # pal.gpg is 34 MB, with 3 tables.
> Why does adding two additional (small) tables increase the size of the
> resulting geopackage by 100s of times the size of the tables?
>   -k.
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Saber Razmjooei
+44 (0)7568 129733
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