[GRASS-user] grass startup slowness

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Tue Oct 8 03:30:53 PDT 2019

Dear Vincent,

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 11:48 AM Vincent Bain <bain at toraval.fr> wrote:
> Dear GRASS users/devs,
> working with a weekly compiled GRASS GIS (against Git repository), for
> a couple of days now, I am experiencing a distinct drop in grass GUI
> startup speed, without any noticeable error, nor any change in my build
> configuration. The splash screen remains visible for nearly 1 minute
> before layer manager and map display appear.
> What could I do to find what is going wrong ? is there a way to change
> the level of verbosity of the startup procedure ?

Most likely you have (several) addons installed?

If so:
There was a bug in g.extension for some weeks which generated multiple
entries in the addons metadata file.
The fastest way to get rid of this issue is

- get list of locally installed addons
- delete $HOME/.grass7/addons
- reinstall the desired addons.

Then speed will be back.


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