[GRASS-user] Error in v.distance when running from R (in a container)

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Mon May 25 02:11:46 PDT 2020

Hi Mehrdad,

On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 10:24 AM Mehrdad Varedi <varedi at waterlix.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I can run the R program with no problem from a Shiny app I have in Rstudio. Although when running the program from a container, I receive an error when running the v.distance and program halts.
> here is the error dump I receive, not so much informative, although I appreciate to know if you have ever seen such an issue: (FYI many other grass functions are executed before this error happens)
> Warning: Error in execGRASS: The command:
> v.distance --overwrite --verbose from=WM_End from_layer=1 from_type=point to=WM_start to_layer=1 to_type=point dmax=0.5 dmin=-1 upload=to_attr column=LinkedWMID to_column=WMAINID separator=tab
> produced an error (1) during execution:
> Finds the nearest element in vector map 'to' for elements in vector map 'from'.
> Usage:
>  v.distance [-pas] from=name [from_layer=string]
>    [from_type=string[,string,...]] to=name [to_layer=string]
>    [to_type=string[,string,...]] [output=name] [dmax=value] [dmin=value]
>    upload=string[,string,...] [column=name[,name,...]] [to_column=name]
>    [table=name] [separator=character] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose]
>    [--quiet] [--ui]
> Flags:
>   -p   Print output to stdout, don't update attribute table
>   -a   Calculate distances to all features within the threshold
>   -s   Print output as square matrix (only possible for one single upload variable)
> Parameters:
>         from   Name of existing vector map (from)
>   from_layer   Laye [... truncated]

^--- and chance to expand this "truncated"? Exactly therein you will
find the error message :-)
It is in the last line of the truncated part.


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