[GRASS-user] compiling grass-7.8.5 on centos7 with proj from source

Laura Poggio laura.poggio at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 02:07:08 PDT 2021

Dear all,
I am trying to compile grass-7.8.5 on a managed HPC with centos7 and rather
old libraries for proj. The most recent is 5.0.1. Unfortunately it seems
not possible to unload completely the oldest (4.8.0) version
I compile proj 7.2.1 from source and it works.
This is the compile instructions that I use (it works on containers and
clean install without this old version of proj loaded).

./configure \
-prefix=/home/user/$grassdir/ \
--with-fftw-includes=/cm/shared/apps/fftw/openmpi/gcc/64/3.3.7/include/ \
--with-fftw-libs=/cm/shared/apps/fftw/openmpi/gcc/64/3.3.7/lib/ \
--with-netcdf --with-geos --with-blas --with-lapack --with-postgres \
--with-zstd-includes=/home/user/$grassdir/zstd/zstd-$zstdVers/lib/ \
--with-zstd-libs=/home/user/$grassdir/zstd/zstd-$zstdVers/lib/ \
--with-gdal=/home/user/gdal/bin312/bin/gdal-config \
--with-geos=/home/user/geo/bin/bin/geos-config \
--with-proj-include=/home/user/geo/bin/include/ \
--with-proj-libs=/home/user/geo/bin/lib/ \
--with-proj-api=yes --with-proj-share=/home/user/geo/bin/share/proj/

I tried also with --with-proj-api=no and without the --with-proj-share

Then I get these problems:
checking for location of External PROJ includes...
checking for proj.h... no
checking External PROJ.4 version... 480
found PROJ version 480
using old PROJ version 4 API
checking for proj_api.h... yes
checking External PROJ.4 version... 480
checking for location of External PROJ.4 library... /home/user/geo/bin/lib/
checking for pj_get_def in -lproj... yes
checking for location of External PROJ data files...
checking for /home/user/geo/bin/share/proj//epsg... no
configure: warning: *** Unable to locate PROJ data files.
using old PROJ 4 API

It compiles but then it gives errors for different modules
I think the "problem" is that it can not locate proj.h (it exists in
/home/user/geo/bin/include/proj.h). I tried to add the path to the $PATH
variable but it does not really improve.
Any additional/different options that I can try?

Thanks in advance
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