[GRASS-user] v.select incredibly slow

Uwe Fischer gisfisch at t-online.de
Mon Mar 29 06:59:24 PDT 2021

Hi Moritz,

for the question about lines and polys: I believe that confusion may come up when one looks at a GRASS dataset in the QGIS browser panel (please see attachment): there are lines and polygons in one map! And I can load them exactly that way in QGIS. That is: when I load the lines in QGIS, I only get lines!

And they ARE lines. That means: when I select a linear feature that separates two areas with the mouse, I select only one feature! (attachment)
Were they boundaries, the mouse would grab two features, one for the left and one for the right area??

Maybe it has to do with the way the dataset was imported: it came via v.in.ogr using CAD data made up of lines and points using type='centroid,boundary'.

On the other hand, GRASS v.info for that same map gives me:

v.info -t map=forst_f_035980 at lwk_work                                           

No line features at all !

So is the QGIS representation misleading? How can QGIS see lines while GRASS does not?

On the other hand, I learned from your example that v.select can use boundaries as linear features. I checked the same for v.buffer and found that it works: for type=boundary, v.buffer will put out tubular buffers around linear features (it will not buffer the areas as a whole!) I did not expect that, because I thougt that buffering boundarys gives me area buffers, since the boundaries are the area borders.

And for the data conversion tasks: such tasks come up in my projects from time to time.
You are right, there are only lines or only polygons in a shapefile.
But I sometimes need to perform typical polygon tasks first (like selecting by attributes or dissolving or buffering) and then line tasks on the same dataset (like retrieving the clean lines, broken up and without duplicates or other errors for exporting and further processing in CAD). The second part cannot be done with boundaries, right? That is why i was looking for a good way to deal with both.

Regards, Uwe

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Moritz Lennert [mailto:mlennert at club.worldonline.be] 
Gesendet: Montag, 29. März 2021 12:01
An: Uwe Fischer <gisfisch at t-online.de>; grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
Betreff: Re: [GRASS-user] v.select incredibly slow

Hi Uwe,

On 29/03/21 09:53, Uwe Fischer wrote:
> But it led me again to some kind of misunderstanding that I cannot figure out:
> My data are imported from polygon shapefiles.
> First question: using v.in.ogr, what does the "type=" parameter mean exactly? In the manual, it reads: "Optionally change default input type". But imho, the input is the input. You cannot change it. What can be changed is the output or the way you process the input. This question prevents me from really understanding what v.in.ogr does with my polygons.

You probably do not need to use this parameter. It allows you to transform specific data to another type. A classical example would be to import area centroids as points, not centroids:

v.in.ogr census_wake2000.gpkg out=cw_noType v.in.ogr census_wake2000.gpkg out=cw_point type=point

v.info -t cw_noType

v.info -t cw_point

Even though v.info indicates a certain number of areas, as centroids=0 in cw_point, you will not have complete areas as in GRASS GIS an area is defined as the combination of boundaries and centroids.

But as mentioned, this is for very specific uses.

> Second question: I thought a GRASS map is able to hold areas and lines together in one map at the same time. How can I achieve such a mixed map using v.in.ogr from my polygon Shapes?

As far as I know, a shapefile cannot contain both lines and polygons, so are you sure you want to import both from the same file ? Are the lines you want to import the boundaries of the polygons ?

> When I use it with "type=line", it will produce lines only, some of 
> which are holding former area attributes (which makes no sense for 
> lines)

Attribute data is imported into a table, but AFAICT, there is no link between the lines and the attribute data. I guess it was decided to not lose the attribute data and so import it into a table. If you don't want to import the attribute table, you can use the -t flag.

An important aspect is that lines that imported this way do not have category values. So when you run v.select on these lines you will have to indicate that you do not want v.select to skip features without categories (-c flag).

> When I use it with "type=line, boundary", it will also produce lines only.
> Using "type=centroid, boundary" makes no sense because the input polygon shapefile has only polygons, but no centroids.

You have to think in GRASS GIS terms, and its topological data model, to understand this. I suggest reading https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/vectorintro.html#vector-model-and-topology
to get an overview.

> Maybe I have to go another way?

You could probably not worry about the question of lines vs polygons at the moment of import. Just import all polygons as polygons. You can then decide to check for boundary lines at the v.select stage. Here's an example using the NC demo data set:

# select polyons of layer A that are within polygons of layer B v.select ainput=census_wake2000 at PERMANENT binput=boundary_municp at PERMANENT output=census_select operator=within

# select boundary lines of layer A that are withing polygons of layer B v.select -c ainput=census_wake2000 at PERMANENT atype=boundary binput=boundary_municp at PERMANENT output=census_select_lines operator=within

[Note the use of -c as boundary lines normally do not have category values as these are attached to the centroids for areas.]

Attached you can see a quick map showing the results: as you can see the red lines selected go beyond the yellow polygons selected.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Moritz Lennert [mailto:mlennert at club.worldonline.be]
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. März 2021 13:50
> An: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org; Uwe Fischer <gisfisch at t-online.de>
> Betreff: Re: [GRASS-user] v.select incredibly slow
> Hi Uwe,
> Am 27. März 2021 14:58:01 MEZ schrieb Uwe Fischer <gisfisch at t-online.de>:
>> Hello list,
>> I have trouble selecting line features using their location compared 
>> to a polygon layer using v.select. The line features I want to select 
>> from are parcel borders, and the polygon layer is made up of 
>> tubular-shaped buffers around municipal borders. I need to find the 
>> parcel borders which are inside this buffer.
>> The command line in a Python script I use is:
>> grass.run_command('v.select', ainput='temp5', atype='line', 
>> binput='buff', blayer=1, btype='area', output='grenz', 
>> operator='within', overwrite=True)
>> The process starts, but it runs incredibly slow (> 15 min) and it 
>> brings not the desired result (but trash data). When I start it in 
>> the GRASS ui, it also works very very slow.
>> I have only about 2000 parcel borders, so it cannot be a problem of 
>> too much features. Furthermore, the exact same selection task is 
>> processed in QGIS 3 in a second with perfect results.
>> I used v.build on both maps before v.select, but it does not help.
>> I would like to perform it in GRASS because it is part of a bigger 
>> data preparation script which makes my work a lot easier. So I need 
>> to integrate it here rather than selecting in QGIS manually.
> First of all: which version of GRASS GIS are you using ?
> I filed a bug about this same issue a few years ago [1] and Markus Metz reorganized the code at the time to speed things up. I don't remember which version was the first to include the fixes (7.6 ?). However, even though it was slow, results were ok which doesn't seem to be the case for you, so that is a bit worrying.
> Can you reproduce the same issue with the example given in that bug report ? If not can you provide a reproducible example, including relevant data ? Ideally as a GitHub issue ?
> As a workaround you could try either the alternative provided in the bug report, or you  could try to reduce the number of line candidates first using v.select operator=overlap and using operator=within only on those selected in the first call.
> Moritz
> [1] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3361
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