[GRASS-user] grass command to subset the columns of a vector
Micha Silver
tsvibar at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 00:45:23 PST 2022
On 09/02/2022 15:56, Bernardo Santos via grass-user wrote:
> Dear Markus
> Thanks for your answer. I thought about v.db.dropcolumn earlier.
> However, I am trying to include this within a function, following a
> workflow in which the input vector might have columns with different
> names, in which case it would be good to be able to select the ones to
> keep instead of the ones to remove.
> For instance, let's say I want to be able to provide either of the
> following input vectors:
> - "vector1", with columns "a, b, c, d, e"
> - "vector2", with columns "j, a, k, f, e"
> Let's say I want to keep only "a" and "e".
> If I use v.db.dropcolumn, I'll have to first list the names of all
> columns (maybe with v.db.select), then match all the column names that
> I do not want to keep ("b, c, d" in the first case, "j, k, f" in the
> second), then drop them with v.db.dropcolumn. I thought just selecting
> which ones I want to keep would be simpler and more straightforward,
> if there is a tool for that.
> So far I am doing a long step (I am creating a temporary vector to
> avoid changing the input):
> 1) v.extract -t input=vector1 output=temp_vector (here I select only
> the features, not attribute table)
> 2) v.db.addtable map=temp_vector columns=a,e (here I do not bother
> with the names of the undesirable columns)
> 3) v.db.update map=temp_vector column=e value=1 (here I set a value
> but I could take it from the original vector1)
> Following what you suggest, I could do:
> 1) g.copy vector=vector1,temp_vector
> 2) (find out a way to list the undesirable column names)
Here's a possible solution. (Somewhat clunky, but workable)
You can get the column names using v.info -c, then grep out the column
names you want to keep. Then loop thru the column names that are left
and do v.db.dropcolumn for each.
# I have a vector "terraces" with 4 columns.
v.info -c terraces
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer <1>:
#Keep only 2: "cat" and "Validated"
g.copy vect=terraces,terraces_tmp
Copying vector <terraces at Avdat> to current mapset as <terraces_tmp>
# Get a list of columns to drop
to_drop=`v.info -c terraces_tmp | cut -d'|' -f2 | grep -E -v 'Validate|cat'`
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer <1>:
echo $to_drop
# Loop thru columns to drop and run v.db.dropcolumn on each
for col in $to_drop; do v.db.dropcolumn terraces_tmp col=${col}; done
# Result
v.info -c terraces_tmp
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer <1>:
> 3) v.db.dropcolumn columns=list_undesidable_columns
> Neither of the solutions is so straightforward, that's why I thought
> there should be (or could be) another way.
> In R, for instance, I can easily subset columns of an sf object using
> dplyr::select(vector1, a, e). I guess in PostGIS it is also possible
> to do that with "SELECT statements", even though I am less skilled
> there. It would be great to have a module in GRASS to do it as well...
> Best
> Bernardo
> Em quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2022 09:28:06 GMT+1, Markus Neteler
> <neteler at osgeo.org> escreveu:
> Hi Bernardo,
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 1:39 AM Bernardo Santos via grass-user
> <grass-user at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> >
> > Dear list,
> >
> > Is there a GRASS GIS command (maybe a v.db.* one) to subset, in a
> single command, the columns of a vector?
> >
> > What I have: vector "vect" with 5 columns "a, b, c, d, e" in the
> attribute table
> > What I want: vector "vect_sub" with only, for instance, "a, c, e"
> >
> > I can use v.extract to subsample rows, but not columns. What is the
> easiest way of doing that, what needing many commands (like creating
> or copying the vector to a new one, creating a new attribute table,
> then copying only the columns I want).
> Isn't this simply
> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass80/manuals/vector.html
> --> v.db.dropcolumn - Drops a column from the attribute table
> connected to a given vector map.
> --> It offers single and multiple column dropping:
> columns=name[,name,...]
> > I looked for that in the documentation but did not found it so easily.
> Please suggest where to improve the documentation.
> Markus
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Micha Silver
Ben Gurion Univ.
Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
cell: +972-523-665918
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