[GRASS-user] v.to.rast questions

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed May 10 09:14:37 PDT 2023

My current topographic vector data file has a column name for the elevation
data, ContourEle. Reading the v.to.rast page there is a use parameter (with
'z' for elevation) and an attribute_column parmater. Because the vector
map's database table does not have a column named 'z', but the one named
'CountourEle' I put both parameters on the command line.

grass told me that I cannot have both, and that using the named elevation
column was not allowed. So I put 'use=z' in the command and the conversion

How did v.to.rast know that the column named 'ContourEle' was the z value?

Should the manual page explain that the use and attribute_column cannot be
used together for elevation? And, when the attribute_column would be



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