[GRASS-user] r.resamp.bspline vs. v.surf.bspline

Victor Lundström Victor.Lundstrom at uib.no
Mon Jun 17 22:07:27 PDT 2024

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to interpolate a, for my machine, fairly large raster of 340,779,478 cells with 246x246 meter resolution.
The way I've gone about it before has been to first use r.random, sample 100% of the cells and then use v.surf.bspline for
interpolation. This always works on smaller data sets, but with this large one, I repeatedly only get a point layer that
doesn't include the column with the values that should be interpolated. Not sure if I'm missing a step or two in r.random, or
if it's a size thing. Since my attempts repeatedly fail, I started looking at using r.resamp.bspline instead, as it only requires for
me to load the input raster and, just like v.surf.bspline, r.resamp.bspline is said to also perform "bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation
with Tykhonov regularization".

Should I expect a different result from using just r.resamp.bspline as opposed to my r.random -> v.surf.bspline? Seeing as it is found
under the "resamp" modules?

I hope I can get some clarification on this!

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