[GRASS-user] splitting a polygon with a line

B H hemantbist at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 18:57:19 PDT 2024

In grass gis,  how do I split a polygon with a line ( equivalent of
st_split in postgis https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Split.html) ?

e.g a rectangle with one diagonal coordinates of (-1, -1) and (1,1)  , when
split with a line with coordinates (-2,0) , (2,0) results in
two rectangles  one with diagonal ( -1, -1), (1, 0) and another with ( -1,
0) , (1,1)

I have tried v.clip but it seems to require area features in clip
parameter. I get error like this.

ERROR: No area features found in vector map <temp_17672 at PERMANENT>. Verify
       'btype' parameter.

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