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<br> I have done this several times, and have found that
the best way to do it is to use r.out.tiff...the format would be something
like: r.out.tiff -tv input=x output=y [t=export .tfw file, v=verbos].
The command already places a .tif ending on the file, so there is no need
to set output=raster.tif, simply output=raster. Note that MapInfo is not
too keen on using tiled tiffs, so ensure that you do not export a tiled
tiff. Of course, to bring this into MapInfo, use WorldReg....
<p>Hope this helps. Let me know if you run into any problems.
LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
GIS Specialist/Meteorologist/Oceanographer
Tropical Prediction Center/Technical Support Branch
11691 SW 17th Street Miami FL 33165
(W) 305-229-4456 (F) 305-553-1264</pre>