<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>ThanQ Maciek Sieczka </I></B></DIV> <DIV>This works and we have been doing this to rescue, those vectors hurriedly done</DIV> <DIV>without projecting the raster before vectorisation.</DIV> <DIV>This is a solution, but </DIV> <DIV>U export XY vector as a shape</DIV> <DIV>Then import it into a projected location, to do the job.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I hope one day this will be simplified.</DIV> <DIV>Thanks again </DIV> <DIV>Ravi Kumar</DIV> <DIV>:</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Sorry for my previous email, my finger slipped and sent to soon.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Ok, so you have your unprojected vector layer digitised from an<BR>unprojected raster map.<BR><BR>To project both do:<BR><BR>1. Project your raster map in Grass first (i.group, i.target, i.points,<BR>i.rectify).<BR>2. Export the unprojected vector to a shapefile and import to the<BR>destination location, wher!
e your
projected raster is stored. The vector<BR>won't fit yet to your projected raster - of course - but you will fix it<BR>with v.transform in next setps.<BR>3. In the "group" directory of you source location there is a file<BR>"POINTS" which was created by i.points when calibarting raster. Format<BR>those points according to NOTES from v.transform manual page. Save the<BR>file in you home dir as, say, "ravi_points"<BR>4. v.transform input=your_unprojected_vector output=projected_vector<BR>pointsfile=~/ravi_points.<BR><BR>Does this work (honestly, I haven't tried)?<BR><BR>Maciek<BR><BR><BR>--------------------<BR>W polskim Internecie są setki milionów stron. My przekazujemy Tobie tylko najlepsze z nich!<BR>http://katalog.epf.pl/<BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE> <DIV><BR></DIV><p>
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