I have a problem with r.resamp.rst<br>I have a raster map (orthophotoplan map) with resolution <br>nsres: 3.139134 <br>ewres: 3.139134<br><br>The region is at same resolution<br>g.region -p -m<br><br>projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)
<br>zone: 0<br>datum: bel72<br>ellipsoid: a=6378388 es=0.006722670022333321<br>north: 90524.79754<br>south: 88424.716894<br>west: 202070.014222<br>east: 205620.374776<br>nsres: 3.139134
<br>ewres: 3.139134<br>rows: 669<br>cols: 1131<br><br>When i try to use r.resamp.rst for resampling a dem (to use in nviz) of which the resolution is :<br><a href="http://r.info">r.info</a> map=dem -s<br>
nsres=35.38837407<br>ewres=35.38837407<br><br>I have the following message :<br>Resolution of the layer in entry does not correspond to the resolution of the current region!<br><br>What's wrong please ?