Well, as it has already been said, gmake is provided by compiling grass5.4 from source.<br> The web page contains both the GRASS module and a modified version of MODFLOW-96. The grass module is installed using gmake while MODFLOW needs to be compiled separately.<br> As pointed out on the module's web page, I'm planning to update it MODFLOW 2000 and GRASS 6*. Unfortunately I haven't had much free time in order to do this, but I'll manage to finish within the next month. The main difference is regarding well data, as the current version reads GRASS 5.4 site files and it needs to be changed to read GRASS 6* vector files. I've already done this, but still the module needs some polishing as I want it to be able to determine from which model layer the wells are extracting (injecting) water from, based on the well's screen depth. <br> the module is described in a paper published in computers and geosciences (which I can e-mail in case someone interested can't access it):<br> <br>
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2005.06.018<br> <br> A tutorial on r.gmtg is available here: <br> http://www.valledemexico.ambitiouslemon.com/gwmodelling/tutorial1.pdf<br> <br> Jaime<br> <br><p> __________________________________________________<br>Correo Yahoo!<br>Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! <br>Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/