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<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Hi List,<br>
I have two ascii files with points:<br>
way points:<br>
</font><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">#N|E|Height|name<br>
</font><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">4416857|5359613|411|040<br>
</font><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">and track points:</font><br>
<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">#N|E|Height</font><br>
<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">4416930|5360187|407<br>
I imported them with v.in.ascii to vector layers <br>
cat tp.csv | v.in.ascii -z z=3 cat=0 out=tp_point01 columns='x double,
y double, z double' <br>
cat wp.csv | v.in.ascii -z z=3 cat=0 out=wp_point01 columns='x double,
y double, z double,label_name varchar(20)'<br>
Now first I want to interpolate them to raster files<br>
I used <br>
v.to.rast *p_point01 o=*p_p01_ras u=z<br>
I couldn't keep the label 'name' in way points but I don't care.<br>
So how to hull the outer points in one area/mask to interpolate only
the inner area<br>
( I want to integrate this area in another DTM with r.mapcalc
I read about a command named s.hull but there are no site - 's.' -
commands in my
version (6.2.2 cvs on Ubuntu)<br>
And which command may the best to interpolate the model?<br>
Thx a lot for hints<br>
Om shantih<br>